Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Last blog

Taking this class, I've learned a lot. The two texts we read for the class The Connected Educator and Untangling the Web have introduced me to a lot of tools that I wouldn't previously have used, and certainly some brand new concepts, along with new ways to use old ones.

Twitter is a social media platform, mostly. But when using it to further your PLN, it becomes really valuable. Twitter allows you to make a ton of connections, without the formality of email--or the occasional feeling of solicitation it has. You can easily jump in and join conversations by tweeting at professionals in your field, and it's a really easy way to stay updated on what's going on. Twitter is great for online networking. Once you set up a good profile, you stick the link to your personal website and/or blog in your bio, and people can find you easily. The world is so connected nowadays, and this is one of the best ways to do it.

Blogging is fun for me because I'm already a writer. It's simply just a new platform. Doing this has kind of inspired me to go back to a previous blog I kept, but revamp it. For me, blogging is a way to hone my craft, but in an alternative way (because I am primarily a prose and poetry writer). Alternatively, it's a good way to create a writing portfolio. Many editing and writing jobs ask for writing samples, and you can often just link them to a blog. This has been useful for me in the past.

Through this class, I created a personal website that will be a great addition to my resume. It showcases some of the work I've done in class (using cool tools like Emaze), lists some recommendations from professionals (about me personally, and my writing). Eventually I plan to get a domain name that is simply my name, so I can put it on business cards. I think the addition of recommendations is a good look, because other people are sounding off.

Some of my favorite classes this semester involved AR and VR. I loved the use of ZooKazam as a learning tool. I can definitely see it working really well in classrooms. I also really liked doing the social media etiquette presentation. Mine was on something I was really familiar with. Coming out of that class, I think I had a healthy fear of what I put online, and what that meant to future employers.

Overall, I think this class has enhanced my digital profile and given me more awareness of my use of social media.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, taking this class really helped my knowledge in what is out there with technology being so advanced. Even though we have learned so much there are still things we have yet to learn and discorer. It was a great course and if I could I would take it again!!
